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"Can I only use LASR in dark lighting? / Help dealing with brighter lighting?" for LASR Classic

9 years ago
#97 Quote

Generally speaking, you should be able to use LASR in normal indoor lighting. Here is a video of a simple setup in what was actually very bright show lighting, where it was working just fine:

Note: Only reference this post if you are running LASR 3.3 or newer. If you are not, then please update LASR.

When LASR detects that the brightness on any part of a target zone is near or at 100%, it will turn that portion of the target orange (disabling it) and the following advisory will show on the bottom of your screen: 

When this advisory appears
, LASR is saying "The ambient light inside the orange area is already too bright. I won't be able to see any laser impacts there." 

If you click on that advisory box shown above, the following window will open:

Slow down. Read through all the options. All the information you need is right there.
No, seriously, actually read it.

9 years ago
#618 Quote

I would use option #1 if:

You can't see any orange, there is hardly any orange, or if it doesn't interfere with the way I intended to use the targets. For example:

For this option, just click the button and go about your business (or just don't click on the light warning pop-up to begin with).

I would use option #2 if:

The orange area is corresponding with some sort of glare on my target. I might need to adjust the target or lighting to avoid the glare, or, if it is just a really "glary" (reflective) target, I would just switch to a different target. For example:

For this option, click the button, make your changes, and click on recalibrate. Either the orange goes away or it doesn't. If it doesn't, either try this option again, or look at one of the other two options.

Here is what that same target looked like after I removed the light that was causing the glare:
(Yes, it is a CD. I needed something reflective for this demonstration)

I would use option #3 if:

Webcams have a lot of automatic settings, and they don't always adjust in the best way for LASR to use. If white, "non-glarey" portions of your targets are consistently turning orange after calibration, then you may want to take manual control of your webcam settings. For example:

In general, we recommend adjusting your exposure setting down a couple of notches. The webcam properties dialog is something that belongs to your webcam, not to LASR, so it is going to be different for different cameras. You will likely have to disable any automatic settings before adjusting any settings normally. For example:

A couple of notches is normally all it takes. If you are having to do much more than that, you probably need to look at option #2. If your camera does not have an exposure setting, you can also try adjusting brightness, although this is less reliable.

After making your changes, be sure to click the Recalibrate (lightbulb) button. Either the orange goes away or it doesn't. If it doesn't, either try this option again, or look at one of the other two options.

Here is what the target above looked like after I lowered my camera's exposure setting 1 notch:

9 years ago
#619 Quote

If this is still giving you a hard time, please contact us and we'll set up a screenshare to walk you through it.