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Using IP (Wireless) Cameras with LASR Classic

9 years ago
#434 Quote

!!! - Please do not ask us how to set up your IP camera - !!!
We do not know how. You need to reference the support material for your camera.

Regular webcams are fairly standardized, meaning they all have similar interfaces on the software side, work the same way, and have basically the same settings and options. Wireless IP cameras are not very standardized and have a lot of variance in how they work, what settings they have, and even what language they speak. This means that traditional hardwire webcams will always be easier to use and less prone to issues than wireless IP cameras.

Using an IP camera for LASR is NOT recommended for beginners, or if you don't really have a good reason for it (USB extension cables are affordable and widely available, and there is no need for the shooter to be anywhere near the camera). Also, keep in mind that wireless cameras will still require a power source.

General Requirements for compatible IP Cameras:
Needs to be able to push an MJPEG feed over an HTTP connection. It is recommended to only use cameras connected directly to the network the computer running LASR is using, not camera feeds pushed through the internet.

We cannot guarantee that any particular IP camera will work well with LASR, and some cameras are going to work better than others. However we do encourage users to report what IP cameras work with LASR, including any special notes or instructions. Please post a reply to this thread if you have a report on a camera, even if it is to report that a particular camera does not work with LASR.

9 years ago
#458 Quote

Current list of tested IP cameras 
If your camera is not on this list, then it has not been tested, and we do not know if it'll work or not. * indicates it was tested by us, no asterix indicates it was reported by a user.

Foscam FI8910W*
Infrared: No

Sharx SCNC3705*
Infrared : Yes

Belkin Netcam HD*
Infrared: No

Cloud Cam 1050*
Infrared: No

Axis P1364
Infrared: No

9 years ago
#459 Quote

How to enable your IP camera as an option within LASR:

Go to your general settings and click on "Add or Remove IP Cameras"

This will take you to the dialog where you can add or remove IP cameras. You can click and start typing in any of the feilds to enter the appropriate information.

1. Name: This can be whatever you like. It is the name of the camera that will appear in the drop-down menu within LASR.

2. MJpeg URL: Please reference your camera's documentation to see how to set this up and get this URL. Different IP cameras will be different.

3. Username: This is the username that LASR will use to gain permission to access your camera's information and video feed. Again, please reference your camera's documentation for how to set this up and get this information. It will be different for different cameras.

4. Password: This is the password that LASR will use to gain permission to access your camera's information and video feed. Again, please reference your camera's documentation for how to set this up and get this information. It will be different for different cameras.

5. Management URL: This is the URL that LASR will use for the "Camera Properties" button, for both the Light Warning and in the Settings dialog. Again, please reference your camera's documentation for how to set this up and get this information. It will be different for different cameras.


6. Remove Camera: If you want to remove a camera from this list, click on this button. If you remove a camera and want to add it back in, you will need to re-enter the information. There will always be an empty row at the bottom of your camera list. This is where you enter a new camera.

Once you have your camera entered, you can click close and then select if from the drop-down menu like you would a regular webcam. 

You will notice that you cannot set the resolution of your IP camera from the regular resolution dropdown. This is set by your camera's management, and LASR will interpret the resolution of your camera feed automatically. As usual, 320x240 @30FPS is recommended, while some computers/networks may be able to handle higher resolutions, including 640x480. You should always run at least 30 FPS.

Keep in mind that your computer's performance is not the only thing that can affect lag with an IP camera, as your network can also induce latency that will be percieved as lag, and higher resolutions will increase this risk. 

9 years ago
#460 Quote

Some cameras may require additional adjustments to different settings, such as referesh rate or bitrate, for them to work correctly. Some IP cameras may not have adjustments that you are used to having with regular webcams, such as exposure or brightness. It may be up to you to do some troubleshooting/trial-and-error with your settings to get your IP camera to work correctly with LASR.

7 years ago
#1502 Quote

Related to this topic I have experimented with using an iPhone 6 as an IP camera.

App for phone:  iPCamera by Dominik Seibold

Make sure that your phone and computer with LASR is on the same WiFi network.  Plug in the IP address to the LASR camera settings as shown above (the IP address is shown on your phone when running the app) but append /live to the end.

LASR picks up the camera feed, however, making adjustments to resolution or compression while connected will cause your computer to blue screen.  Also, I think bright and constant changes to lighting conditions (like a TV or open window in the field of view) may cause blue screens as well.  Otherwise the phone worked to score hits, albeit it may not work as consistently as a USB webcam.  The other downside is that the app seems to be a big drain on the phone battery, even when USB charging.

7 years ago
#1674 Quote

How do I add a Shooters Watch camera?It is the same camera than the one used for the LASR.

7 years ago
#1675 Quote

The Shooter Watch plugin uses any webcam, just like LASR. It cannot use the same webcam that is being used for shot detection, for obvious reasons.

This topic has nothing to do with shooter watch. I would suggest looking at the tutorial for that plugin by clicking on the information link next to that plugin from within the software.